How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?

Deleting a Git Branch Locally

To delete a Git branch locally, you can use the following command:

git branch -d branch_name

Replace branch_name with the name of the branch you want to delete.

Deleting a Git Branch Remotely

Deleting a Git branch from a remote repository involves two steps:

  1. Delete the branch locally using:
  2. git branch -d branch_name
  3. Delete the branch from the remote repository using:
  4. git push origin --delete branch_name

Again, replace branch_name with the name of the branch.

Additional Questions

How can I delete a Git branch without checking it out?

To delete a Git branch without checking it out first, you can use:

git branch -d -r origin/branch_name

This deletes the remote branch without needing to switch to it locally.

What if I want to delete multiple Git branches at once?

You can delete multiple Git branches at once by specifying each branch name:

git branch -d branch1 branch2 branch3

This deletes branch1, branch2, and branch3 locally.

Is it possible to recover a deleted Git branch?

If you accidentally delete a Git branch, you may be able to recover it if it hasn't been garbage collected by Git yet. You can try:

git reflog

Find the commit associated with your deleted branch and recreate it using:

git checkout -b branch_name commit_hash